A popular Potomac River island received some much-needed TLC on MLK Day weekend

A popular Potomac River island received some much-needed TLC on MLK Day weekend

Despite chilling temps, our 2023 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service cleanups in DC, Maryland, and Virginia saw amazing turnout!

Our fantastic volunteers were joined by Dr. Kandis Boyd, Director of US EPA Chesapeake Bay Program. Read about her experience, the day’s results (including some very strange finds!), and how our community carries on Dr. King’s legacy.

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A Day in the Life: Anna Mudd, our Senior Director of Policy

A Day in the Life: Anna Mudd, our Senior Director of Policy

Ever wonder what a job in clean water advocacy looks like?

Our Senior Director of Advocacy Anna Mudd—whose love for nature and politics led her to pursue a career in this field—shares more about how her job changes with the legislative calendar, what keeps her going, and how building relationships is crucial for achieving success.

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15 **more** tips for getting outside in the cold (and loving it!)

15 **more** tips for getting outside in the cold (and loving it!)

Not keen on spending too much time outside in the winter? It’s OK—we know it can feel rather dreary out there. But there are so many benefits to enjoying the outdoors even when it’s cold!

From bundling habits to outdoor education to fun recreation, these tips will help you get outside, LOVE IT, and look forward to doing it again soon!

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15 tips for getting outside this winter

15 tips for getting outside this winter

All of us need the mental and physical health benefits of getting outside—yes, even in the winter. How can you take advantage of the cold outdoors without it feeling like a chore?

Check out this list of how to prepare for cold weather, new activities to try, wildlife you can only spot in the winter, and even how to make a difference for your local community.

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How the Potomac River shapes local wildlife

How the Potomac River shapes local wildlife

From aquatic life deep underwater to majestic birds soaring overhead, and every living thing in between, there's one thing these animals all have in common: they consider the Potomac their home.

Learn more about some of the amazing species that live in and around the river, and ways you can help defend them against pollution, habitat loss, and the climate crisis.

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A Day in the Life: Weyessa McAlister, our Director of Community Conservation

A Day in the Life: Weyessa McAlister, our Director of Community Conservation

Team Potomac is small but mighty! Meet Weyessa, our Director of Community Conservation: DC Metro, whose passion for clean water led him to co-found a nonprofit that builds wells in his native Ethiopia and mobilize our local communities to protect the Potomac River. Learn more about what drives Weyessa and what his job looks like here at the Conservancy!

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10 tips for a river-friendly holiday season

10 tips for a river-friendly holiday season

Ah, the holidays. It’s one of our favorite times of year. But December can also be—dare we say it—a rather wasteful month. Let’s make this holiday season a tad greener this year! Check out 10 simple tips and tricks from our staff for a memorable, river-friendly holiday season.

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Land protection in the Shenandoah Valley is getting a $4.5M boost

Land protection in the Shenandoah Valley is getting a $4.5M boost

The Shenandoah Valley is home to the pristine headwaters of the Potomac River. But for its tight-knit communities, poorly planned encroaching development is an increasing worry to both the region’s ecological health and its long tradition of agricultural and forest economy.

Learn more about the importance of conserving land in the Shenandoah Valley and how Potomac Conservancy and local partners work to protect the Potomac’s upstream lands forever.

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How the Potomac shaped our society and economy

How the Potomac shaped our society and economy

The Potomac River has always played an important role in the nation’s economy and politics, but balancing profit and growth with the health of the river and community proved difficult for a developing United States.

Learn more about the Potomac’s economic and geopolitical influence throughout history—and the lingering environmental consequences of exploitative industries—so we can continue to fight for more protections for the river and move into a sustainable future.

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Up Top Acres’ farms are firmly planted on DC roofs

Up Top Acres’ farms are firmly planted on DC roofs

Rooftop farms provide many amazing benefits to their urban communities—and DC is not an exception! They improve air quality, reduce the urban heat island effect, insulate buildings, and provide amenities to the city’s residents. What’s more, rooftop farms serve as rainwater buffers, reducing pollution from stormwater runoff and making waves for clean water in our city!

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